YouTube and Podcast Show
In 2024, the world of personal development is set to witness a groundbreaking addition – the MetaMind Breakthrough YouTube and Podcast Show, hosted by the renowned Ingeborg Mooiweer. This show is more than just a series; it’s a transformative experience, bringing the principles of the MetaMind Breakthrough method to a global audience.
The MetaMind Breakthrough Show is an innovative platform where Ingeborg Mooiweer delves into the intricacies of personal and professional success, uncovering the hidden layers that define true achievement. Each episode is a journey into the minds of some of the most successful and accomplished individuals across various fields, revealing the unseen challenges and sacrifices they faced on their path to success.
Launching in 2024: A Revolution in True & Total Personal Transformation

Podcast Interview
From Adversity to Empowerment: Embracing Life with Trust and Hope
My guest today says, “Make sure your inner child is not left out in the hallway, she/he is part of you.”
Joining me on today’s show is Ingeborg Mooiweer.
Ingeborg Mooiweer is an international pioneer in transformation, whose journey from adversity to empowerment has shaped her mission to change lives worldwide. Despite challenges, including parental divorce and the psychological abuse of a narcissistic mother, she found success in the luxury hotel industry while raising a family. However, her true passion lies in guiding others through their traumas and challenges. With a unique blend of artistic insight and strategic acumen, she fosters deep connections and transformative experiences for individuals and organizations alike.
Ingeborg’s forthcoming TED talk and book promise to share her groundbreaking work with a wider audience, cementing her reputation as a leader in the field of personal and professional development.
On today’s show, Ingeborg is going to share:
1. Why you should learn to trust yourself
2. Why you should always trust your own instincts/feelings
3. If you can, focus on the point you want to go, in your darkest times there is always a slimmer of hope that things can change. And they will.
Enjoyed the show?
Let us know what your biggest aha was in the comments below! We look forward to reading them!
Podcast Interview
Ingeborg Mooiweer’s Transformation
Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Ingeborg Mooiweer, on air from June 18th
My why is the road I travelled from adversity being brought up by a narcissistic mother, divorcing parents and many very traumatizing situations in my life to a life. Now healed and helping people within the relationship realm, with my own method based on my experience, education and highly intuitive feeling. The why is that I want people to be able to change their life/business and relationship from what they thought they couldn’t to a I can, and subsequently empower their children to break the cycle.
Radio Interview
Also joining Emma Farrell Near FM 90.3 #NorthsideToday at 12:35pm is Personal Breakthrough Coach Ingeborg Mooiweer to discuss her programme ‘Metamind Breakthrough’ and the process of personal development.

Narcissistic Abuse Survivors' Summit
Interview with Ingeborg Mooiweer during Narcissistic Abuse Survivors’ Summit.
Magazine interview
Seen in Integrity No 55 Juni 2024

Leaders with a heart
CEO of Metamind breakthrough, total transformation, journey to true and explosive freedom.
Her story, background, path and realizing what her true zone of genius and gift was early on.

Free Ebook: From Love Hurt to love bird
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